
Monday, January 26, 2015

Perspective Playtime

Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of two-point perspective by drawing a variety of toys in perspective. 

JMS 7th grade art students spent three classes learning the basics of perspective drawing.  
Then they spent three classes creating an original composition in pencil that demonstrated correct perspective, overlapping forms, and creative use of toys.  

The students were assessed on the technical accuracy of their perspective drawing, the creative interpretation of the theme, and level of artistry. 

Lesson adapted from Mary Coy, art teacher at Spry Middle School in Webster, New York, and SchoolArts editorial advisory board member.

JMS Student Work:
Fall 2014

Fall 2014

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Happy Birthday, Jaune Quick-to-See Smith!

"CLARA." CLARA. N.p.,n.d. Web 12 Jan 2015

Born in 1940 on the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Indian Reservation, Montana, Jaune Quick–to–See Smith is an internationally renowned painter, printmaker and artist.
She earned a BA in Art Education from Framingham State College, Massachusetts, and an MA in Art from the University of New Mexico.  Smith has been awarded four honorary doctorates from Minneapolis College of Art and DesignPennsylvania Academy of the Arts, Massachusetts College of Art and the University of New Mexico.
Smith has been creating complicated abstract paintings and lithographs since the 1970s. She employs a wide variety of media, working in painting, printmaking and richly textured mixed media pieces. Such images and collage elements as commercial slogans, sign-like petroglyphs, rough drawing, and the inclusion and layering of text are unusually intersected into a complex vision created out of the artist’s personal experience. Her works contain strong, insistent socio-political commentary that speaks to past and present cultural appropriation and abuse, while identifying the continued significance of the Native American peoples.
"Jaune Quick–to–See Smith." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 12 Jan. 2015.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Go Fish!

Fish or other Sea Creatures from Recycled Materials
JMS - 6th Grade - Fall Semester

Materials: Cardboard
                   Masking Tape
                   Paper Mache' Glue (Glue All + Water)
                   Acrylic Paint
                   Googlie Eyes

Examples of JMS Student Work: