
Sunday, August 30, 2015

Back to the Grind

We made it! The first week back to school has been hectic for all of us, teachers, students and staff with schedule changes, learning about expectations, class rules and new school policies and procedures.  However, we have to get to business right away as we have a lot of projects to cover this semester. 

This week I asked my students to create their own sketchbooks using card stock, watercolor, and sharpie markers. The results are fantastic! The sketchbooks are glowing with each students personality. 

Sample of Works in progress:  
© Live Art, Breathe Art 2015

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Welcome Back to School! Are you ready?

Welcome to the new school year! I am thrilled to be starting my second year at Jackson Middle School.  I am also looking forward to a year filled with challenges and excitement.

This year, we will focus on:
  • Design 
  • Composition
  • Conceptual Thinking
  • Creativity  
  • Visual Culture
  • Problem Solving
If you have any questions or concerns about any part of the school year please reach out to me either during my conference period, by email at, or by phone at 210.356.4400

Please note that it is important that you arrive on time and ready to learn as we will have a lot of exciting material to cover each day. 

I look forward to getting to know you better and helping you achieve all of your education goals for the year. 

Let's work together to make this the Best Year Ever!