
Monday, May 23, 2016


For this assignment, I asked my 6th grade students to pretend they were botanists who had recently discovered a new, never before been seen plant.

The students had to document their findings and include the following key pieces of information:
  • plant's name
  • plant's basic needs
  • how the plant's needs are met
  • where the plant lives
  • a colored illustration of the plant in it's natural habitat
  • an illustration showing the principal parts of the plant's anatomy (text features like labels, captions, maps, bold words, subheading, and more)

Then the student's had to create a paper mache' model of the plant using a plastic bottle, cardboard, and masking tape. Below are the student's examples:

© Live Art, Breathe Art 2016
© Live Art, Breathe Art 2016

© Live Art, Breathe Art 2016