

Welcome to Mrs. Martinez’
Fine Arts Class

This art class is designed to emphasize the following areas: discipline, technical skill, design, composition, problem solving, conceptual thinking, creativity, aesthetics, art history, presentation, safety, and visual culture. My goal as a teacher is to provide you with a safe environment that allows you to grow as a student and as an artist. My hope is that all of you will find appreciation for art and embark on a journey of self-respect, self-reflection, growth, tolerance, and academic success.

Art Classroom Rules:
  1. Be respectful of yourself, others, and our classroom (this includes all classroom materials).
  2. Be prepared to work and learn.
  3. Be safe.
  4. Clean up spills and messes as soon as they occur.
  5. No Food and No Drinks Allowed
  6. Be creative.
Mrs. Martinez’ Guidelines for Success:
v Respect all students, staff, and the materials in your classroom. Adhere to the Golden Rule: Treat others like you would like to be treated. Always remember that being in this class and using the materials is a privilege.

v Be prepared to work, learn, and to have a little fun too! Coming prepared to class is essential- Bring your sketchbook, pencil with an eraser, and other special materials needed for that day.

v Being on time is a valuable lesson to learn. There is a great deal of material to be covered in this class, and we must take advantage of every available minute. When the bell rings you should be in your seat with your project on the desk.

v Ask lots of questions! Ask for help-it’s what I’m here for! This is an open environment where you will help everyone by asking as many questions as you can.

v Hand in work on time.

v Being safe means: Do Not run around or horseplay in the art room; other students may be working. Do Not touch any equipment not being used for your project without permission. Cleanliness and organization is important, since items or spills left on the ground can put others at risk of slipping or tripping.

v No food and drinks will be allowed in this classroom. An art class commonly works with chemicals, paints and other materials that can be harmful when ingested with food.

v All I ask is that you try your very best in this class. As your teacher I care about you, your artwork, and your progress in this school.

Classroom Environment:
Keep in mind our classroom environment is a place where ALL opinions are respected and heard, even if you do not agree with them. Remember that all school policies apply in this classroom as well as elsewhere in the building.

If you choose not to follow the classroom expectations, there will be Consequences:

  1. Verbal warning.
  2. Teacher/Student conference.
  3. Continued disruption will result in a phone call home
  4. If behavior persists, a parent conference will be scheduled and/or an office referral.
1. Listen to music while working
2. Sit with friends
3. Extra Credit – 10 points added to lowest project grade.