
DIY - Tutorials

How to make No Sew T-Shirt Aprons: 
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How to make a Sketchbook: 


Project: Sketchbook Surface Prep

Sketchbooks - are an amazing opportunity to draw, visualize, write, thumbnail, or fill countless hours doodling and relaxing.  Part of the problem with sketchbooks is that artists see them as the enemy.  They are white pages that command a perfect image.  Consider using your sketchbook as an extension of your personality as well as continuing to improve your artistic skills.  Remember your sketchbook is a tool to better yourself an not viewed solely as a grade. 

Directions: Using the list below prepare pages in your sketchbook using your own individual flare.  You will be graded on the completed steps, your inventiveness, and craftsmanship.  Each page can now be "used" and hopefully the white page syndrome of the sketchbook will fall by the wayside.  Remember you are not creating finished works, but creating interesting surfaces to draw onto later. 

  • Create a two color wash on page
  • Collage text on the page and wash over the page to   subdue the texture 
  • Scribble on the page with pencil; blend with a paper towel to create a value.
  • Create a one color wash on the page.
  • Cut squares in the page.
  • Draw a child-like drawing on the page and paint over it
  • Create a repetitive pattern on the page using a geometric shape
  • Find a simple object and cover the page with simple contour drawings of it
  • Using muted colors paint a page
  • Create a texture on the page with paint by lifting paint with a towel.
  • Create a negative space painting with a wash
  • Cover the page with writing about your first day of school and summer
  • Collage random pieces on the page
  • Cut strips of colored paper and glue to the surface
  • Doodle on the page with a pen
  • Trade books and have another student treat the surface of the page
  • Tear a page out and re-collage onto another page
  • Find a leaf outside. Represent the leaf in  some way on the page.
  • Other media exploration
  • Prep 5 other pages any way you would like. 

 ***Remember that the pages should not be overwhelming. Be neat, use good craftsmanship, and beware of pages sticking together.*** 


A sketchbook is a journey, not a destination!!!