
Terms of Service

Live Art, Breathe Art Blog

Terms of Use

The purpose of is to share educational information and create a forum for discussion of Fine Art for my classes. I invite you to submit comments or posts for consideration.  The author of reserves the right to remove any comment or user from Live Art, Breathe Art that violates the terms and conditions of use listed below.

Posting Etiquette

The use of language that is obscene, profane, racist, or sexually explicit is not allowed. Personal attacks are not permitted. The author of Live Art, Breathe Art reserves the right to remove submissions that are abusive, hateful, insulting, or defame or insult anyone. The author of Live Art, Breathe Art also reserves the right to remove submissions that are off-topic or not in English. Posts of a commercial nature designed to promote a service or product will be deleted. You may link to other informational Web sites when relevant to the discussion.

Copyrighted Material

You may not post copyrighted material to Live Art, Breathe Art unless you have express permission to do so. This includes, but is not limited to, text, photos, images, and screen shots.

Links to Other Sites

Live Art, Breathe Art encourages you to link to articles, Web sites, or blogs that are relevant to the topic discussion. Do not link to commercial sites.

Visiting Outside Links.

You acknowledge and agree that Live Art, Breathe Art is not responsible for the availability of such external sites or resources, and does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content, advertising, products, or other materials on or available from such sites or resources.

Participation in the blog is at your own risk

You take responsibility for comments under your user name and use the information provided here at your own risk.

Permission to Reproduce

By participating in Live Art, Breathe Art you expressly grant Live Art, Breathe Art permission to use, reproduce, prepare derivative works on, and distribute any posted material or submissions.