
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Happy Birthday, Marcel Duchamp!

Marcel Duchamp
(born July 28, 1887 - died October 1, 1968)
French artist who broke down the boundaries between works of art and everyday objects. After the sensation caused by “Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2” (1912), he painted few other pictures. His irreverence for conventional aesthetic standards led him to devise his famous ready-mades and heralded an artistic revolution. Duchamp was friendly with the Dadaists, and in the 1930s he helped to organize Surrealist exhibitions. He became a U.S. citizen in 1955.


  1. Happy birthday Marcel Duchamp. He would be 124 years old right?
    -Erin O'Toole
    9th grade
    6th period

  2. his paintings are very blunt. its creative

  3. i think he was a straight forward artist

  4. is that a urinal?? i like that one, some art is pissed on by society haha but i like it, it has a dirty, gritty, side to it, but a relaxing mood sits in when i look at it because it reminds me of when i pee
