
Thursday, September 15, 2011

"Art addresses itself to the mind, and not to the eyes.  It has always been considered in this way by primitive peoples, and they are right. Art is a language, instrument of knowledge, instrument of communication. " 


  1. I believe that is diffidently true,because art isn't always what meets the eye.-samantha batt 8th period

  2. I like the knowledge and communication part. As I learn more about artists, their work and varying genres I find I recognize it more in books, in restaurants, libraries, billboards, etc. I then share with whoever I'm with about the knowledge I have on it. I notice that certain artists styles are taken and used commercially and I offer the background info to those I'm with. Having this knowledge has also improved my Jeopardy game.

  3. Well i didn't know that but i find this really interesting. I think its cool how art is a language.

  4. @Jisela
    Think back to how the cave people communicated. They used paintings on the walls to tell stories of their hunt. Also, the Egyptians used art to tell stories of their lives painted inside the pyramids of Egypt.

  5. Yeah, that's so true! The Egyptians used drawings to tell their life stories.

  6. art is everything u see touch feel and smell.i show how creative you are
