
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Happy Birthday, Caravaggio!

(born September 28, 1573 - died July 18, 1610)

Caravaggio was an Italian painter whose revolutionary technique of tenebrism, or dramatic, selective illumination of form out of deep shadow, became a hallmark of Baroque painting. Scorning the traditional idealized interpretation of religious subjects, he took his models from the streets and painted them realistically. His three paintings of St. Matthew ( 1597–1602) caused a sensation and were followed by such masterpieces as The Supper at Emmaus (1596–98) and Death of the Virgin (1601–03).
The Inspiration of Saint Matthew, 1602
Oil on canvas, Contarelli Chapel, Church of San Luigi dei Francesi, Rome

Supper at Emmaus, c. 1600-01
Oil on canvas, National Gallery, London

The Death of the Virgin, 1605-06
Oil on canvas; Louvre


  1. Carvaggio was a very good artist. I like how he made shadow, which make it look real. Happy birthday Caravaggio!

  2. happy birthday Caravaggio i think you were a great artist

  3. I really love Caravaggio's use of realistic colors in his models he used for his paintings.I noticed alot of red looking tones in his male models in the Oil Painting The Death Of The Virgin.It gives a sad but mysterious feel.-Samantha Batt

  4. my favorite painting out of Caravaggio's was probably The Inspiration of Saint Matthew,
    the color choice was amzing

  5. i really admire Caravaggio's style. its pretty dark and gloomy. it sets off a sad vibe.

  6. i like the way caravagio texturized his paintings

  7. I really like the detail in his art work

  8. it looks like this artist enjoyed doing this types of drawing. it lok like it took a lot of time to dothis painting

  9. his art is very detailed and it is understandable

  10. The paintings are really really nice, they give off great detail. The titles are also well thought of

  11. i wish my brithday was on this day. anyways it looked like he loved to work on he art.

  12. Happy birthday Caravaggio. He would be 438 right?
    -Erin O'Toole
    9th grade
    6th period

  13. @Erin
    You are right! Caravaggio would be 438.

  14. I'm quite amazed at how many different colors they had the ability to create over 400 years ago. The detail and realism in his work is astounding.

  15. On The Inspiration of Saint Matthew from 1602, it's crazy how realistic it looks with a limit of what kind of colors they had back then! Imagine what we can do now?!

  16. this is a good post and i like the art work you put up.

  17. This man was absolutely amazing at portraits.

  18. this arts have lots and lots of textur & idenification.its nice
