
Friday, October 28, 2011

Happy Birthday, Francis Bacon

Francis Bacon
(born Oct. 28, 1909 - died April 28, 1992)

Irish-British painter. He lived in Berlin and Paris before settling in London (1929) to begin a career as an interior decorator. With no formal art training, he started painting, drawing, and participating in gallery exhibitions, with little success. In 1944 he achieved instant notoriety with a series of controversial paintings, Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion. His mature style emerged completely with the series of works known as “The Screaming Popes” (1949–mid-1950s), in which he converted Diego Velázquez' s Portrait of Pope Innocent X into a nightmarish icon of hysterical terror. Most of Bacon's paintings depict isolated figures, often framed by geometric constructions, and rendered in smeared, violent colors. His imagery typically suggests anger, horror, and degradation.


  1. Happy Birthday Francis Bacon! He does look like british person too.

  2. I really like this guy, hi paintings aren't your typical pretty museum art hanging on there walls. I hope to one day own a t least a copy of one of these, or even be able to paint at the level of this guy.=samantha batt

  3. happy birthday francis bacon. i like the top painting

  4. Happy birthday Bacon.

    I looked him up and I have to say I love this style of artwork. Its sort of abstract in its own way, it makes you wonder what exactly he tried to do with this horror-genre that turned it into a controversial master piece. I could talk about these forever.

    Gaige McCumbers

  5. whattt? this guys freaking amazing and twisted i love it,

  6. Happy birthday, Francis Bacon! He would be 102 right?

    -Erin O'Toole
    9th grade
    6th period
