
Friday, October 5, 2012

Quote of the Week:

"A Painter paints a picture with the same feeling as that with which a criminal commits a crime."
- Edgar Degas, 1834-1917, French Post-Impressionist


  1. Insanity? XD But is it talking about the devotion and preciseness? I'm not sure exactly what he means . . . A painter and a criminal are two quite different things. Unless, of course, the painter's supplies were stolen, in which case the painter becomes the criminal XD You know, I bet when he said this what he actually meant was, "I am a painter, just as I'm secretly a criminal" XD

    1. Erin. He is not stating that he is "secretly a criminal" he is talking about the rush that one gets while painting, and the joy of succeding in something great that one did. Just like a criminal who enjoys taking things, or commiting other crimes, that the rush of not succeding or succeding, and that great success of not getting caught. Look a little bit more in depth into what you think when it comes to a quote, I'm not saying don't have your own opinon, just think more logically, meaning don't be afraid to step outside of the box.

      This is just a little bit of fellow classmate, contructive critazism.

  2. A great quote indeed. The rush of painting, and putting such emotions, as well as the amount of reasons that it is being. I see where he comes from, I do personally understand this, due to that fact that, I myself, know what it is to both commit a crime as well as paint, it has basicly the same rush, that same joy and happiness.

  3. I actually agree with this quote entirely. He's saying that painters have this passion to do something daring and out of the ordinary just to feel accomplished and have this one thing that will always be attached to their name.

  4. I don't really understand what he is trying to say. I think he is trying to say your painting represents your mood at the time you were painting.

  5. The feeling you get the rush when your doing something that you want to do and you put all your emotions and efforts into it.

  6. Hmmm...well I don't fully understand this , but in my opinion I think it means that there can be a lot said from a simple painting. There can be so much emotion it it, that is so hidden. It's just the way someone might express there self.

  7. I'm guessing they have to feel the same sorrow as the criminal. I would have to guess of a feeling like being at the end to a uncertain future of no hope.

  8. I would guess that a painter paints with the strong passion as the criminal has the passion to commit the crime.

  9. Paintings do sometimes express how you are feeling. People can be daring and they can make or do something that makes them feel, ecstatic. And so I do indeed agree with this quote.

  10. I don't get what he is trying to say, but I think he means that when you feel something you always paint it out by how you feel during the day or night.

  11. I guess he means that the sadness they are feeling. I think he is right and then wrong in a way because people can paint how ever and whenever. o_0

  12. "A Painter paints a picture with the same feeling as that with which a criminal commits a crime." I think what that means is that they both have they same passion, the same determination to do something that they want. Even if people dont quite understand it, it makes sense to them, everything has a reason although sometimes it may be a bad reason its still a reason.

  13. I dont really like Edgar Degas painting because it seems like he is really sad and that he wasn't happy painting it.

  14. A Painter paints a picture with the same feeling as that with which a criminal commits a crime." its the rush of it, its why i understand kiddos run around doingg graffiti, its liberating , and expressionate, its an "overdose of passion" , i like this quote very much.

  15. I don't get what he is trying to say

  16. personally when i commit a crime, i want to do it perfectly, without any flaws or loop holes. every action planned to the last second. a perfect crime and a perfect work of art leaves so many questions and leaves the victim stunned. every line, every step, every stroke, and every moment... perfect...

  17. honestly i don't feel the same way about art as when i was four and stool from the candy shop everyone opinion and emotions are different its all based on Ur chemical make up in your brain Ive been on tons of different meds. and the chemical makeup in my brain has changed dozens of times trying to cope with my disorders and with each change my emotions and how i felt about things changed

  18. I'm pretty sure he was referring to the liberties that figurative painters like Ingres and Degas himself took with distorting what's in front of them in a way that the viewer doesn't realize (getting away with a "crime"), to create beauty, drama and compelling compositions. Both painters had a mastery of anatomy but regularly displaced shoulders, distorted torsos and bizarrely extended necks for example.
