
Friday, December 7, 2012

Quote of the Week:

What do you think Miro' was trying to say with the following quote?   

"I try to apply colors like words that shape poems, like notes that shape music."

Joan Miro', 1893-1983, Spanish Surrealist


  1. I think that Joan Miro' was trying to say that he would try to blend in with all the other artists. He would try and paint like most artists do. Maybe he wanted to learn more from his work. He wanted to apply his work just like it appeared in clear vision but to draw it onto a paper. That way the people viewing the art work know what they're looking at.

  2. Well I think what he was trying to say is that when he makes a painting he's trying to tell a whole story. Like when someone writes a poem explaining an event in their life. He's comparing his art to other sorts of art. Not just painting, crayons, and colored pencils create art. Your voice could be art if you were singing. Or If you're a make-up artist backstage at the majestic that also counts as art.

  3. I think miro was trying to say that he apply's "art" to everything. "like words that shape poems" meaning you need the words to make the poem maybe trying to say that he needs art to do his everyday things. "like notes that shape music" to make music you need notes. to live he needs art.

  4. i think what miro was trying to say you need to apply colors to art just like you need notes for music

  5. I think he meant that a certain color can make or break a piece of art. The colors used in a painting is very important because people associate colors with emotions and places, so a particular color makes all the difference. Just like a certain note or word can make all the difference in a piece of music or poem.

  6. I think that Miro is implying that the colours of a visual art piece should work together in the same way that the fundamental elements of poetry and music blend into a story. Poetry and music both have a flow that people are accustomed to hearing frequently, we just have to learn to see the flow in paintings and drawings.

  7. I think what he was trying to say that colors should express the way a painting is just like the words do in a poem and the was the notes in music show the way the song is felt while someone sings it or plays it on a instrument.

  8. i think hes say hes trying to put things that match the picture not things that look weird

  9. *I believe Joan Miro's trying to say that he tries to apply the right colors on his painting just as a musician wants to play the right notes in their songs.

  10. That he like to draw and write and to him them do the same thing

  11. he was trying to say that, colors are what shape the painting and the emotions it is trying portray. without the right colors it wouldn't make sense.

  12. Just as using the right words in poetry and using the right notes in music is important, when painting it is just as important to use the right colors.

  13. I believe that Miro' is simply trying to state that, with whatever he would paint, he's try to add some spice to it,because not everything has to be bleak like society.

  14. Joan Miro' was saying in that quote that music is art and you can shape it in many different beautiful ways just like what our heart and souls are capable of when we put our passion, Heart, & soul in it.

  15. this quote mean's like anything can represent something, whether its shape's color , writting or anything.

  16. Joan Miro is trying to explain that music,even the oustside is art and shape. If we can work together we can make alot of beautiful shapes.

    Aaryanna Shaner 4th

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  18. I think he is saying he tries to apply colors that will make a great composition like a writer shapes his poem with using great words to make it great like a music note makes a great song together they are great and make a great piece.

  19. "I try to apply colors like words that shape poems, like notes that shape music."
    this means he adds color to make a point to make the art more powerful like how lyrics makes a song more meaningful

  20. I think hes trying to say is he wants hes art to have feelings. And for people to feel like they are listen to peaceful music. With lyrics that are inspiring in so many ways.

  21. I think what he is trying to convey is the emotions, rhymes and rhythms are all in tune, they work the same way. A poem can be very beautiful, or it it can be very strong. Music can be fast and upbeat, or slow and sad. Artwork can reflect on these too, art can be very obviously expressing some emotion or it can have some underlying meaning that is hard to explain.

  22. I think he's saying that everything has a color. Like you need words to make a poem and you need notes to make music.

  23. He wants people to read his color, as view the paintings he made. And to learn from his paintings.

  24. I believe this saying means that you need to add color to everything , as words to a poem , or notes to music . Or just life it self needs color or other wise it will be dull .

  25. Colors are what shape a painting ,the colors are the music notes in a song ,they are the words in a song . Paintings are visual music and visual poems .

  26. I think that he means that an artist is to color as a poet is to words. It is the artist's bread and butter

  27. He is basically is saying that the way he brings life to his art with colors is the same way a poet pour his soul into his poems and the structure and flow a musician brings to his music.

  28. He's saying that in order for a work of art to be beautiful, all things have to work together in a perfection to take place. In music you can't mix a c# and an f without it sounding strange. Same goes with art. If you put things together that don't work, then there will always be something slightly off with it.

  29. He is trying to say you can use words as art to. You can use emotions with words like if it was color.

  30. For I feel like he tries to mae more detail. How he shows the color in the drawing or picture in life. Shows to stick it out of the paper.
    That every type of art is a imagination in the mind itself. Maybe all art is beautiful in ther own way by others eyes

  31. I think what Joan Miro was trying to say is when you do art it always has to have the right color in order to tell a story of what the person is feeling, or what the meaning of the art piece. It is just like when you try to make a really great music with meaning as well.

  32. When ever you make art, you get a feeling that it should be perfect. each color would make your art even more perfect! just as in music, you use the notes to make your vision, the colors also help to reach your vision. to make the perfect vision, we must make the perfect sounds. only then will your vision be shown to the world.

  33. I feel that he is trying to say that color is the creation of art. Its the beginning of it. It's what makes up art. The creation of something new.

  34. What i think he is trying to say is that colors are just emotions, words, but hidden in colors but still represent the same thing. Emotions can be shown in colors in many different ways such as black can be sadness or loneliness and yellow can be happiness or something else. You can explain every thing through colors the same way you can explain it with words, its the same thing but just different.

  35. i think he's saying color affects art because it gives it more meaning just like words in a song. It all adds up and makes tha bigger picture or tha story tha artist is trying to tell .

  36. This is a wonderful quote , i had never heard of Joan Miro, but those were very inspiring words.I think the quote "I try to apply colors like words that shape poems, like notes that shape music." Just process, shapeness and aspect that run with loving love of art .

  37. the process and beauty of what it takes to build a piece, the expression in it ,

  38. art is art no mater what you think, from a flower to a plain all it takes is to do it.
