
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Exploring Identity Through Art (Part II)

Metamorphic Self-Portrait 
Mixed Media Collage

Objective: The students will use the questions they answered about who they are as individuals, to design a Metamorphic Bas-Relief Mixed Media Sculpture based on a written theme.

Mixed Media 

Who are you? 

Where are you? How are you? 

What are you? 

What symbols/ actions represent you? 

How do you capture the essence of something, rather than being literal or clichéd? 

Think of more imaginative and creative ways of addressing topics.

Answer the following questions:

1. How do you fit into school/ society?
2. How do you relate or react to your family/peers?

3. Do you have any traditions your family follows? Do you come from another country or culture? Does religion play a part in your life?
4. What liberates you? What confines you?
5. What represents you: Body, Mind, Spirit, or Society? 

Written Theme 

Acrylic Paint
11x14 in. Card board Panel
Variety of objects (cds, toilet paper rolls, old jewelry, etc.)
Newspaper or Magazines

Examples of Student Work: 
© Live Art, Breathe Art 2015

© Live Art, Breathe Art 2015

© Live Art, Breathe Art 2015

© Live Art, Breathe Art 2015

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