
Sunday, December 4, 2016

Reflective Silhouettes

Objective: To create an ink self-portrait silhouette on a page from a book leaving a word or phrase un-obscured in the background text.

Digital Camera
Computer (Adobe Photoshop Program or another photo editing app)
Page from a book
Permanent Marker

1. Ask a friend or family member to photograph you using a digital camera or iPad in a 3/4 pose.
2. Use Adobe Photoshop to manipulate your photograph into a stencil or another photo editing app. 

3. Print the manipulated photograph
4. Draw yourself on a page from a book using your manipulated photograph as a reference. 
5. Fill in your portrait with a black permanent marker leaving one word or phrase un-obscured in the background text.
6. Give your artwork a title. 

Examples of Student Work: 

© Live Art, Breathe Art 2015

© Live Art, Breathe Art 2015

© Live Art, Breathe Art 2015

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Tool Time

To make a composition using a non-painting tool for the composition, tool and subject matter. 

Sketch book or scratch paper

Various forms of non-art tools (fork, spoon, brush, etc.) that can be dipped in paint.
Watercolor paper 

Acrylic Paint
Permanent Marker

1.  Choose from a variety of tools or objects to create a drawing. 

2. Create studies (practice drawings) in your sketchbook or scratch paper emphasizing effective use of the elements of art and principles of design (line, shape, texture)
3.  Use your object to create an abstract painting using acrylic paint on your watercolor paper. This      will be the background of your drawing. 

4.  Once the acrylic paint is dry,  draw your object by repeating all or parts of the tool chosen over your abstract painting

***Tip: Be open to what happens during this process.  ***

Write a self reflection discussing the pros and cons of working in this unconventional manner. 

What did you like or dislike about this project? Why? 
Did the struggle outweigh the enjoyment and sense of discovery or vice versa? 

Examples of Student Work: 
© Live Art, Breathe Art  2016

© Live Art, Breathe Art  2016

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Welcome to the new school year!

I am thrilled to be starting my third year at Jackson Middle School.  I am also looking forward to a year filled with challenges and excitement.
This year, we will focus on:
  • Developing Craft
  • Engaging and Persisting
  • Envisioning
  • Expression
  • Observation
  • Reflection
  • Exploration
  • Understanding the Art World
If you have any questions or concerns about any part of the school year please reach out to me either during my conference period, by email at, or by phone at 210.356.4400

Please note that it is important that you arrive on time and ready to learn as we will have a lot of exciting material to cover each day. 

I look forward to getting to know you better and helping you achieve all of your education goals for the year. 

Let's work together to make this the Best Year Ever! 

Monday, May 23, 2016


For this assignment, I asked my 6th grade students to pretend they were botanists who had recently discovered a new, never before been seen plant.

The students had to document their findings and include the following key pieces of information:
  • plant's name
  • plant's basic needs
  • how the plant's needs are met
  • where the plant lives
  • a colored illustration of the plant in it's natural habitat
  • an illustration showing the principal parts of the plant's anatomy (text features like labels, captions, maps, bold words, subheading, and more)

Then the student's had to create a paper mache' model of the plant using a plastic bottle, cardboard, and masking tape. Below are the student's examples:

© Live Art, Breathe Art 2016
© Live Art, Breathe Art 2016

© Live Art, Breathe Art 2016

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Night Gallery 2016

We are cordially inviting you, your family and friends to attend the

Night Gallery 2016

Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Thursday, April 28, 2016

6:00 - 8:00 pm

Littleton Gym
Blossom Athletic Center
Free Admission ! 

This year we are inviting the visitors to this popular show to become actively engaged by indicating their personal art preferences.  To show your appreciation, red dots my be purchased and placed on student artworks.  

Come and enjoy the outstanding artwork created by our students, and express "The People's Choice" by becoming actively involved in the exhibit.  All of the North East ISD middle schools and high schools will be represented.  

This is no charge for this event.  We hope to see you there! 

Thursday, April 14, 2016

PInch Pot Animals

6th grade Art I students were asked to model clay with control to create pinch pot animals. They built upon previous knowledge of working with clay in order to craft an original three-dimensional artwork.

The students chose whether they wanted to use glaze for their pinch pot or acrylic paint.


tools for working with clay

Examples of student work: 
© Live Art, Breathe Art 2016

© Live Art, Breathe Art 2016

© Live Art, Breathe Art 2016

© Live Art, Breathe Art 2016

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Making Abstract Ceramic Masks

For this project I challenged my grade 6 Art I students to design an abstract mask based on the Kimmy Cantrell's artwork.  The student's faced the challenge head on and did an amazing job!   


  • To explore the amazing creations of sculptor, Kimmy Cantrell
  • To look and brainstorm at what features make Cantrell's artwork unique. 
  • To create a colorful mask using clay based on a sketch that the students designed.
  • Use acrylic paint to finish the mask
Examples of students artwork: 
© Live Art, Breathe Art 2016
© Live Art, Breathe Art 2016

© Live Art, Breathe Art 2016

© Live Art, Breathe Art 2016

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Annual Region 20 West Jr. VASE Art Competition is fast approaching!

I hope everyone is ready for Junior VASE! 

The visual art students in NEISD are invited to participate in the annual Region 20 W Junior Visual Art Scholastic Event, (Jr. VASE) the UIL equivalent for visual art in Texas, sponsored by the Texas Art Education Association (TAEA), which will be held on May 7, 2016.

I will be sending a letter out with more detailed information for those students who are interested in participating later this month.

We here at Jackson M.S. are looking forward to a successful event with our very talented visual art students.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Animal Silhouettes and Patterns

To think about one subject (animal) that will be emphasized by using it's skin to inspire a pattern that will cover the entire background of their painting. 

To use the "rule of thirds" to create an interesting composition. 

Drawing Paper

Plastic Toy Animals (to use for observation drawing)
Canvas Panel
Acrylic Paint

Elements of Art & Principles of Design:
Emphasis, Texture, Pattern


Rule of Thirds

Art History Connection: 
Kara Walker

Examples of Student Work: 
© Live Art, Breathe Art 2015
© Live Art, Breathe Art 2015

© Live Art, Breathe Art 2015
© Live Art, Breathe Art 2015

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Exploring Identity Through Art (Part II)

Metamorphic Self-Portrait 
Mixed Media Collage

Objective: The students will use the questions they answered about who they are as individuals, to design a Metamorphic Bas-Relief Mixed Media Sculpture based on a written theme.

Mixed Media 

Who are you? 

Where are you? How are you? 

What are you? 

What symbols/ actions represent you? 

How do you capture the essence of something, rather than being literal or clichéd? 

Think of more imaginative and creative ways of addressing topics.

Answer the following questions:

1. How do you fit into school/ society?
2. How do you relate or react to your family/peers?

3. Do you have any traditions your family follows? Do you come from another country or culture? Does religion play a part in your life?
4. What liberates you? What confines you?
5. What represents you: Body, Mind, Spirit, or Society? 

Written Theme 

Acrylic Paint
11x14 in. Card board Panel
Variety of objects (cds, toilet paper rolls, old jewelry, etc.)
Newspaper or Magazines

Examples of Student Work: 
© Live Art, Breathe Art 2015

© Live Art, Breathe Art 2015

© Live Art, Breathe Art 2015

© Live Art, Breathe Art 2015

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Exploring Identity through Art

Self-Portrait Abstractions
  • investigate Real/Surreal, and learn about distinctive qualities of both styles.  
  • create a self-portrait abstraction in a surrealist style using personal dreams to inspire a narrative painting.  
  • give your painting an original title
Art History Connection:
Frida Kahlo - Georgia O'Keefe

Canvas Board
Acrylic Paints 

  • How can my portrait reflect emotion? 
  • How can my portrait reflect who I am?
  • What message do you want your artwork to communicate? 
  • What kind of feelings are you trying to invoke from the viewer? 
Examples of Student Work:

© Live Art, Breathe Art 2015

© Live Art, Breathe Art 2015

© Live Art, Breathe Art 2015

© Live Art, Breathe Art 2015

© Live Art, Breathe Art 2015

© Live Art, Breathe Art 2015

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Family Art Play: Cube your face!

original post:
"Family Art Play: Cube Your Face!" Family art Play: Cube Your Face! N.p., n.d. Web 14 Jan 2016.
Hosted by: the McNay6000 N New Braunfels Ave, San Antonio, TX  78209
Date: Sunday, January 24, 2016
Time: 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Look in the mirror with a whole ne perspective! Transform your face into a frame-worthy jumble of shapes and colors! 

Create a costume, take a photo in a regal setting, and be a king or a queen for a day, and take a final peek at Picasso, Braque, and the Cubist Legacy: Prints and Drawings from the Collection.