
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Happy Birthday, Mark di Suvero!

Mark di Suvero
(born: September 18, 1933)

One of the foremost 20th century American abstract sculptors involved in monumental works, Mark Di Suvero is known for his gigantic sculptures constructed primarily from industrial I-beams. Born in China and trained at the California School of Fine Arts, he began by making three dimensional junk art from scraps, before constructing his 1966 LA Peace Tower. During the early 1970s, he stayed in Europe, where he started constructing his monumental outdoor abstract sculpture for which he is now best known.
One of the most prolific American sculptors, Di Suvero is responsible for a huge amount of public art throughout America, his best known works include Storm Angel (1973-4, Square Chabas, Chalon-sur-Saone); and Arikidea (1977, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis Sculpture Garden).

The Calling, 1982, Bluff Park, Milwaukee

Luck's Prime, 2008
steel, rope, aluminum, rubber, wood

al di la, 2008
steel, stainless steel


  1. Happy Birthday Mark di Suvero!
    -Gabby Hernandez 6th Period

  2. I like your idea of highlighting artists through their birthday. It would be cool if you could get the students birthdays and link them to an artist. A bit random to try, or they could research an artist that shares a birthday and create art similar to that person; just a thought. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I'm highly curious of the tools this guy uses to bend I-beams. Anyway, Happy birthday, Mr. Suvero!

    -Chris Bryant, 6th Period Art

  4. My faveorite out of these art sculptures would have to be "Al Di La" It reminds me of an animal of some sort,plus its truly amazing!:D-Samantha Batt 8th period class

  5. I love sculptures....thanks for sharing about this artist

  6. that is so cool and i think that that guy must have earned a lot of money, and i wish that he moved to the US, he would have loved it here. so happy birthday mark suvero!

  7. i like how he does a defferent type of art work. its amazing how he does this and redcognized for his work.

  8. Happy birthday Mark di Suvero. He would be 78 right?
    -Erin O'Toole
    9th grade
    6th period

  9. awsome those seem to look like there own disine

  10. Happy Birthday from Mireia Azul Grant, Knight Academy, Toledo, oHIo.
