
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

POP CULTURE -- Turning already-chewed gum into art

The Associated Press
Wednesday, December 06, 2006

by Michael Felberbaum
POP CULTURE -- Turning already-chewed gum into art

Jamie Marraccini's humble home smells like bubble gum. And it isn't just because he's chewing a piece.

The place is filled with original "paintings" and sculptures made from a substance commonly known as "ABC gum" -- as in already been chewed.

And now Marraccini is helping others find a new use for what most people chew for a while and toss in the garbage -- or, let's be honest, stick to something that they're not supposed to.

"I always felt it was a waste of gum," he said. "But I was happier they'd do that than throw it away because at least then it lived on."

And he's not kidding -- besides the countless pieces of gum art, the 36-year-old father of two has amassed a collection of more than 5,000 pieces of chewed gum, some more than 10 years old. And he's made his own share of raw-material contributions to his collection, thanks to his personal love for gum and an aversion to throwing things away.

His teachers also unknowingly played a role in developing his gum aesthetic -- when he was a kid, Marraccini was forced to smear his gum inside his locker to keep from getting in trouble for chewing it in class.

Over time, his collection evolved from locker wads to the more elaborate pieces that grace his living room walls -- some of them about 2 feet wide. The art, made entirely of gum, ranges in subject matter from outer-space scenes and random faces to sculptures of eggs partying in their carton. In one unfinished piece, eggs sit around a campfire cooking bacon.

And all this art takes, well, a lot of gum. So Marraccini is almost always chewing two or three pieces at a time.

He also enlists friends and family to keep the collection growing by handing out packages of gum, a storage container and instructions: Chew gum for 20 to 30 minutes and put in case. He then collects the masticated wads for use in his art. (Even old, hardened pieces can be used -- a little warm water brings them back to life.)

With an eye toward his continued artistic development, Marraccini also tests new kinds of gum by chewing it, storing it and seeing how the color looks and lasts. (He keeps the rejects too -- it's all part of his collection.)

Marraccini also has a real job, at a technology startup. But that "leaves plenty of time for chewing gum," and he's also found time for a side project encouraging others to try out his brand of art.

Marraccini's $15 Chew By Numbers kit provides chewers with an opportunity to make art from packs of gum by matching the labeled pieces to a cardboard sheet with numbers on it. In the end, the gum gets transformed into, say, an apple with lips, a pile of gum balls or a planted pot with lips.

Marraccini realizes some find this whole idea disgusting. But he offers a reminder that there are benefits to chewing gum -- it helps with motor skills, concentration and creativity, and it can even speed up metabolism.

Chew on that.



Marraccini's art:

The Chew By Numbers kit:


5 Tulips
Hands on Sticks

The Detective


  1. Making pictures out of Gum is very hard!!!!!!!!:)
    Gabriella Hernandez

  2. I can not do the same thing like in the picture i need more practise

  3. This is very interesting and cool.
    It looks very creative and it's also good for the environment

  4. This looks chalenging, but anyone can do it with practice I'm sure. These pictures are also very good.

  5. That looks really cool. @Tori Tilton why haven't you been going to school you are missing a lot.

  6. WOW. I'm, quite frankly, amazed at how great these pictures are. Also, i wonder where he got that black gum...

  7. i really think it cool he found a way artistic to use what we would consider to be trash.

  8. this are really cool. i like the detective picture more.

  9. most of these painting have to do with lips

  10. This is insane art ,its truely a skill , i would love to learn;

  11. marina 2nd period: i won't want to use ABC gum it would be pretty gross to have to use already chewed gum. i really like the "paintings" that are in this article.

  12. this are wierd but ther eown way.i like then.make me feel like enything is art.
