
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Ballpoint Pen Drawing by Samuel Silva

original article published on Juxtapoz Magazine
(Thursday August 23, 2012)

Yes, that is right. This is a ballpoint pen drawing. Samuel Silva, the artist, used 8 different colors taking 30 hours to complete it. No other media. Simply 100 % ballpoint pen. Silva is Portugal-based attorney who does art as a "hobby." I don't think much more needs to be said. Just look at it.


  1. wow i love this, it's so detailed. i love how bright the colors are. I don't think i have patients to do this.

  2. I also love the bright colors its so awesome.I always love to paint because you can make your own creation. I also love art because you can go in an art show and show off your created painting.

  3. Ahhh that's pretty cool . Super detailed , looks super realistic .

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I didn't see at first but this is a drawing i thought i was a photo its look very i mean VERY realistic its a really good picture i would love to leave to drew like that.

  6. I really like how this guy drew everythingout so realistic. If looks like a photograph that someone took. It's incredible.

  7. Wow, I almost didn't believe that this was ball point pen. I really like how he got the red of her hair just right, instead of over shaded.

  8. To tell you the truth I thought the ballpoint pen was all just from the computer, but it's all from drawing with pens. This is impresive, and cool.

  9. There is no way that is ball point pen I would have to "see it to believe it" in this case.That is just way too good but I also feel this had no real depth. Yeah it is pretty much amazing but no real feelings.

  10. This is what i love about art. You can use something so simple like a ballpoint pen and make something look almost life like. I prefer pen over pencil and would like to get on this guys level someday. :P

  11. This is wonderful :o ,
    my favorite on the link was "pool boy "
    im amazed on the fact its all done
    with ballpoint pen...

  12. This is amazing If i had saw this somewhere else without reading it I would have thought it was a picture. This drawing is beautiful I love the way it looks. Its impressive just using a ball point pen.
