- OCCUPATION: Actor, Photographer
- BIRTH DATE: February 12, 1857
- DEATH DATE: August 04, 1927
- PLACE OF BIRTH: Libourne, France
- PLACE OF DEATH: Paris, France
Best Known For:
French photographer Eugène Atget recorded everything he considered picturesque or artistic in and around Paris, with an eye for strange and unsettling images."Eugène Atget." 2013. The Biography Channel website. Feb 12 2013, 09:35 http://www.biography.com/people/eug%C3%A8ne-atget-38199
- Look at the
image below, then create a story of how you think the artist felt when the image was photographed, or write about the subject.
- Post your response in the comment box below.
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Eugene Atget, Organ Grinder, 1898 |
WOW! For one the photo is very great. What i think about the photo is the old man looks sad. The young child is looking up at the sky smiling. The child seems happy that what it looks like its raining.
ReplyDeleteThe other thing is Happy birthday Eugene Atget. I cant really tell how he was feeling when he took this photo. The though of young to old that came to me. That he is sad that he was growing old and happy when he was young. Thats what i think.
Elmer was a ver sad man, after his divorce from a cruel women, he took his daughter and went in search of something better. His daughter felt so relieved after being released from the clutches of her abusive mother she cried out in joy, dancing in the rain. While her father, Elmer, was so worried about where they were going to go, couldn't even put a smile on his face.
ReplyDeleteI know back then,people suffered a lot of having wars,sicknesses,not having good homes,or just because they have no family and money,The old man looks seemingly depressed because he's maybe trying to get money,maybe trying to sell something out of that little cart he has to support his daughter,but he can't make any money,but the child seems to be trying to teach him that there's a brighter side of things.
ReplyDeleteAnd if that is correct,I believe there's always a brighter side of things no matter how bad things get,I believe people who went through starvation,sicknesses,wars or had no home and died are now resting in peace. And I'm hoping they are,I think art is great way to express one's emotions just like in writing.
Lisandra Robles
6th period class
The old man seems to be rolling around a drawer that he may have found. He can be bringing it back to his house to his family. The child is happy that they found such a treasure. They can be really pore and something so nice, that the child is happy to have something that they may have never owned before. Maybe the child can be happy from the weather it can feel nice and warm if it's always really cold outside. Or maybe it's cold when it is always hot and she loves the feeling of the cold air. There can be so many things that can be going on. They can be moving to somewhere that is way better then where they used to live and she is so exited to see her surroundings. The man doesn't look very exited but you would expect that from an older man. Children seem to get very exited for little things.
ReplyDeleteThere once was an old man. He was a well known magician that traveled throughout old Italy. Of all the thing that the old man could conjure, there was one thing he wanted that not even the most powerful magic he could muster couldn't bring it to life. He wanted a family. The man set out every day with his box of magics to bring joy to the children. Every day he would come home. At night there would be complete silence that the man could not stand. He could only hear his breath, his blood pumping. But he wished that he had someone there. Every day... Over and over he would get joy from children. One day a little girl came up to him. "could you please spare a coin?" she asked. Her face was in such sorrow that the man replied. "If coin is what you seek, then come inside!" he opened his magic box and out came a dove. the dove flew and seemed to multiply in the air. they put on a good show with loops and flips and dives. They made shapes and faces. finally they all dove at the girl and crashed into her! as they hit her body, they transformed into coins.Her face was smiling in both pleasure and joy as she watched and collected. she counted five coins and a feather. "thank you mister! what a show!" she lauded. The man asked her "Where will you go little girl?". she pointed to the south. "I live under the bridge with my dog." the man said unto her "Will you please stay with me? i yearn for a family. bring your dog and lets live happily ever after!" So they did. THE END! did you like it? not my best work.
ReplyDeleteOnce upon a time a old poor man and his child were going for a walk when they spotted a wagon across the street from them. There wasn't anybody standing next to it so they took it. The child was so excited about find the wagon. Later that day he found out the wagon was stolen so he decided to move to another city. The cops never received the wagon so they decided to send out a search party to try and find it. After a month of looking for it, A cop went to the spot where it was taken to try and find fingerprints. After the cops dusted the area for fingerprints they found some. The cops put his fingerprints in a machine that tells you were the person is located, They saw that he was in New York. The cop send the swat team to go and get him. It took them a while to get him but finally they got him. When the swat took him to the police station him and his child were killed for stealing.
DeleteIts a regular day when a old man and young child go for a walk with their little wagon to go small circus acts to raise money for dinner that night. So they walk and walk till they get to that right spot and as they walk they saw a small dog doing little flips and stunts the old man like that. He called the little dog over and put him in the little door in the wagon when they reach that spot the young child called out "everyone of all ages come and enjoy our small circus act and including our new edition fido the flipping dog". The crowd ran toured them fast and the show began the show went on for hours longer than any performance the had ever done in there life. Children were laugh and asking for more tricks and jokes when the show was over everyone put money in the hat that fido the flipping dog the hat got so heavy it tore the old man young child were shock and happy. the press came and took pictures and wrote a article about it and the old man and child adopt the dog and had a great dinner that night and every other meal for the rest of there lives.
ReplyDeleteThe old man just got sued for being ugly so they kicked him out of his house cause he couldn't make anymore payments he sat on the curb day after day.a young child came to him and asked what kind of stuff he was selling and he said" look in my basket thiers only art .the boy was stunned at the beauty of his art so the boy helped the old man sell his art for big money and soon the old man would have enough for another house and more.
ReplyDeleteEugene Atget was walking by himself on the streets of France, until that's when he sees a little girl sitting on the side walk crying her eyes out. Eugene went up to the girl, and asks her "What's wrong child?", the little girl looks up, and does not say anything. Then Eugene asks her a different question. "What is your name?", the little girl says, "Organ Grinder sir.", Organ says not crying anymore. Eugene says, "Well, Organ my name is Eugene, why were you crying?", Organ did not want to say anything, but did. "I was sad that my father would not spend any time with me, because he's always working, and I just wish that he would just stop doing work, and play with me. Eugene listened through the whole thing and said, "Maybe he will though I think he's just waiting for the right time.". Organ looked down at the ground, because she was doubting that her father will, but after giving some thought about she understoods. " I thank you Eugene for giving me some understandinf about my father, so I must now go home. Bye!", Organ said when she left. Eugene saw Organ leave, and then smiled to himself and then went walking home.
ReplyDeleteTo me, the man in the photo looks to be real sad or worried. He's selling something on the side of the road because he's probably struggling financially. However, the little girl looks like she's happy or excited about something and they both look poor.
ReplyDeleteMr. Javier was a busy man. He ran a little peddlers cart up and down 45th avenue. He and his granddaughter were never seen after sundown, yet remained well known in the daylight hours. Mr. Javier's granddaughter (who's name was Marie) could often be seen on the left side of 45th in the mornings. She loved to revel in the passion of a youthful dawn. Mr. Javier, who never stopped working, would set up shop right next to her and sell his wears to all the early birds and businessmen and workers that plodded through the crimson streets.
ReplyDeleteIt was 1907 this old man was walking down the street with his darling daughter that he loved oh so much . The old man was running out of food & water the goverment no longer supported him so he would give his daughter his food when she didn't have any & he would just fall asleep hungry . One day as they were walking down the street they found an old cart full of bread oh joy came to the old mans face the daughter was oh so thrilled of their findings . As they are walking back home they feel water on there dry skin the daughter looked up & smiled nothing can bring her down . Who said miracles couldn't happen .
ReplyDeletethe man v.s. the chilled it's two sides of the same coin, old is wisdom, and ,sadness. As youth is vigor ,and ,bliss the young will get old, and the new ,youth will be born.
ReplyDeletei believe the artist, potrade, that and that the fact that time moves on for everyone and ,every thing is inevitable to avoid very clearly .
*Notice* at the bottom of the picture how it says organ grinder.
DeleteWell I imagine this girl, the one smiling, being one of the poorest girls at her school ends up having a really bad day. First when she wakes up her mom and her father start yelling at her for no reason. When she gets on the bus to go to her school, the girls who were already on the bus start to pick on her raggedy clothing. Then when she gets to school she ends up fainting from hunger. Like i said before se was a very poor girl. After a day she recovers and is again doing her daily routine by walking down the street and beg for money. Sadly singing to herself an old man hears her and thinks oh what a lovely voice. Well one day this old man who is a meat grinder sees her being mistreated by a crowd of boys and girls. They are making fun of her being poor of course well he decides to give her a pound of meat for her and her 5 little brothers. He says under one condition that she has to dance a harmony and sing it as if she were on stage. She does what the old man says and runs home with one pound of meat and 20 dollars from the crowd which surrounded her with her voice and danceing. A week passes by and as she is doing her routines she sees her name upon a news paper title. He heart filled with joy she runs home to deliver the news to her family and sees a limo parked outside her house. Marylin Monroe stands outside waving and holding hr hnd. The little girl joins hands with marylin.
"Look at how pretty the skies are today, grandpa!" Lola sings. Grandpa just grunts and contines pushing the wagon. This only serves to upset young Lola, who is filled with joy and energy on the clouded summer morning.
ReplyDelete"Just what is so pretty about bleak grey clouds, Lola?" Grandpa asks. He has never understood Lola's love of rain, or of clouded skies, for that matter.
"Why, what isn't pretty about the clouds?" Lola responds chipperly. "Clouds bring rain. Rain feeds the crops, the crops feed the hen, and the hen feeds me!" Lola giggles. "It's beautiful cycle." Grandpa casts a side-long glance at Lola.
"You're every bit as demented as your father, God rest his soul." Grandpa scoffed.
"A trait I charrish, and always shall." Lola smiles. "Ah, look! Its begun to rain!"
Lola throws her tiny hands up in the air as the cool drops of water fall onto her pale face. How good the rain felt on her warm summer skin. It was a good day to be a morbid little girl.
The photographer seemed happy when he took this picture cause look at the little boy or girl he or she looks happy.I bet the photographer was proud about what kind of picture he took . The little boy or girl looks like he or she is having good time cause he or she is singing and dancing and there's that man that just sitting there all happy (: .I think this is a really good picture of these two people.I enjoyed looking at this picture i hope there's more to come(: .
ReplyDeleteThe old man seems pretty tired or frustrated like he doesn't want to be there.The little girl looks very happy like she sees something she likes,she looks like shes about to start dancing and jumping all over the place.It looks like they were headed somewhere.The person that took the picture must have took it by surprise because it kinda looks like the old man wasn't ready.
ReplyDeleteThe little girl is looking at the sky and the old man looks sad or something.I guess that his wife died or maybe sick,the little girl is probably thinking of her grandma looking at her. The old man does look upset or mad. He probably getting tired of pushing the cart. He should probably let his granddaughter help him push the cart.
ReplyDeleteThe little girl is happy and enjoying the day, while her father is thinking about how to feed them that night. He is trying to sell what is in the wagon, and what they have left. He is very worried about the situation, which is why he looks so serious or sad.
ReplyDeleteThe man was walking around with his little carriage and then suddenly a little girl appeared at him out of no where. The little girl had been lost and their was a reward too who would find her. As soon as the old man recognized the girl his face was in shock. As he got closer to the girl to ask her where she is from and where she had been, the little girl started stepping away and weeping. The little girl knew what was up with the old man and wanted to go. When she was leaving the little girl got scared too be walking around alone so she came back and talked too the old man and was telling him what had happend and the reason why she left home.
ReplyDeletea original cold day of a month.a old man selling news papers. One of the old days, in black and white.Theres a little girl next to him,happy an cheerful. Smiling like todays her day. Cold so wearing jackets. A big house in the background. With big windows looks like a two story house.