
Friday, September 21, 2012

Quote of the Week:

 " An artist who is self-taught is taught by a very ignorant person indeed."
 - John Constable, 1776-1837, English Painter



  2. An interesting idea. At first I found this near offensive, I would consider myself self-taught. Then I thought of all the books about art and drawing that I have read and learned from. If it weren't for those books, I wouldn't be where I am now. But does that mean I'm not self-taught? Or does that qualify due to a lack of formal teacher?

  3. John Constable was born in suffolk he sold more painting in france than in his native england.

  4. I think this is quite true. Only because if they were self taught they would have their own methods in doing such things. When people see that persons way of doing something they think of it being a little strange. Only because they were taught different from that person. It may seem stupid, to that person, in the begining but once your finished with the method and art work, then it should all come together.

  5. I didn't really understand this quote at first, but now that I think about it, it really does make sense. If you teach yourself to do everything, how much are you really learning? You would probably only learn the very basics. However, if you have someone to help and push you, then you not only learn your way, you learn someone else's way too. And then you have different ways of doing something. If I never took art classes, I think I would be a much more horrible artist than I already am. If I took a picture of myself and tried to draw it on my own with no one to help, teach, and, most importantly, motivate me, it would come out awful, as opposed to when I did it in class last year and, though I ripped it trying to get the eye right, I was actually kinda proud of it.

  6. True, it's better for any aspiring artist to be taken under the wing of someone with great artistic experience. I believe most self taught artists don't go far, because if they ever come across a boundary, they wont what to do and they'll contemplate quitting.
    So instead of quitting, they should go learn from someone who has been in that position before and successfully overcame every boundary.

  7. This quote can be understandable, yet make you think. In my opinion, I think it is trying to explain that everyone is taught in their own way. And the person itself does not have to follow another artist to learn how to draw. I've seen people draw differently and they have very good drawings/paintings. No one can tell you how you're suppose to draw. Practice makes perfect.

  8. Yes, its true. If you want to be an excellent artist you can't just go by your own rules. You have to see other arts, and learn how much is too much, and how little is too little.

  9. Yes , I agree . You can't be stubborn if you wanna learn and grow , and accomplish more! Cause you can't teach yourself something you don't know .
    Well me ... I always been stubborn about that , until I got to SASIC . Now I feel as I have learned so much about art.

  10. To think that you can hold the weight of the world on your shoulders is ignorant. But finding something that you're god at and practicing your own technique over and over again until people consider you an artist is not.

  11. John Constable was born in Suffolk he sold more painting in France than in native England.You can't be stubborn if you wanna learn and grow , and accomplish more

  12. I think what John Constable meant that when an artist is self taught, and is a very is an ignorant person then you were taught from another ignorant person. Though you cannot be ignorant at what you do.

  13. well who taught the first peaple
    art is expretion its what u make of it its subgect mater is as brod as the universe and as fine as an atome as it is bolth a random explotion and a purpasful desine

  14. I don't agree with this quote. I was not very self taught in art. Through art classes i have been in i have learned very many skills but i have also teached myself different tricks along the way.

  15. I don't understand why he is saying a " An artist who is self-taught is taught by a very ignorant person indeed" how are they ignorant if they are too poor for special classes or if they have the talent i think they should go for it why not they were giving the talent for a reason not to be wasted. Sorry I find that wrong, but then again I agree because some artist say they were self-taught for more glory so its neutral

  16. I think what he means by that is by only doing art by your perspective is ignorant because their is a world full of beauty that you can learn how to open up your art life.

  17. I probly have to agree on that because if you learn from that person who is teaching you you have someone to look up to and ask questions and get help but people that are self-taught are kind of ignoranit even if thay say they arent.

  18. I think self taught is way better than classes and your not ignorant for deciding to teach yourself.Your a way better artist because of it.

  19. I new i was always ignorant as a kid especially since I'm self taught my self so my sketches aren't disciplined. I learned from books and different artist so i applied myself and in result came out as an undisciplined artist yet it looks good,so would it count if i applied my self to learn different techniques from different books and other artist as taught or could i still be counted as a self taught artist.

  20. Is anyone really a self taught artist? Up until recently I believed myself to be a self taught artist. I'd never had formal classes, never read a book. I simply looked at a picture or thing and would do my best to copy it. But as i thought about it, I would see other artists and their technique and try to copy some parts of that. I don't think one can be a pure self taught artist

  21. This is a very interesting quote .
    No one can be a amazing artist if self taught every one needs practice & help from others

  22. No one is ever really self taught , there's so much influence in the world . everything is based off something or somewhere inspiration is all around us. I use to not believe in art classes, i thought art was an energy and a utterly loving force that shouldnt/coudnt be taught, i viewed it as something you have to experience and let out as a sort of passion and find on you're own, once its was formal, its was cut down and defined into a lost value, but that's very stubborn to say , you should appreciate anything given to you and apply it to you're work , "you have to learn the rules, before you break the rules" blah blah.

  23. good quote though no doubt , from that time to this time, it still applies greatly to people, an

  24. Interesting quote makes me think. the only ignorant person is you just on how you make your own art only really you can be ignorant to yourself on how you draw it.
