
Friday, September 28, 2012

Quote of the Week:

"Talent! What they call talent is nothing but the capacity for doing continuous work in the right way." - Winslow Homer, 1836-1910, American Artist


  1. In my own opinion, W. Homer means that talent can only be done by the famous saying, "Practice makes perfect." Doing something right, or spectacular, doesn't necessarily have to be done "in the right way" but those who see that is it done in the right way tend to call it "talent."

  2. I think it's explaining that people who say that someone has "talent" is not always born naturally gifted. Most of the time they just simply practice and practice till they got it right.

  3. I think that W. Homer meant that no one is naturally gifted. A person must work his way up up perfection, instead of being ignorant, and saying they're naturally perfect.

  4. He probly ment that no matter anyone did it was talent no matter how good the art work is because no one is perfect with art or anything so through is mind he probly thought doesn't matter how it looks it's still some kind of talent.

  5. How interesting! Art is nothing more than repetition? But haven't you [Ms. Martinez] taught us [the art students] that art is all about breaking rules and expectations? So it seems to me that you are sending mixed messages, wouldn't you agree?

  6. I believe someone is born with talent , but , it's there choice if they want to presue it and make it something in there life .

  7. He means that, in order to achieve greatness you have to find a pattern and do it over and over again, until someone finds it amazing.

  8. I think that W. Homer meant that no one is naturally gifted. A person must work his way up to perfection

  9. I think what Winslow Homer meant was that you have talent it's just different that you can't see.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I think that he meant anybody can be talented it and that its just a word. Its just a matter of their perfections.

  12. I think he means that there's no such thing as talent, that many people mistake hard work and dedication as talent.
    I like this quote, because it really makes you think and wonder
    if there's really such thing as talent.

  13. i think he's trying to say the more practice you do the better you will get at your art skills. You progress through time and get better at what it.

  14. I think what he is trying to say is he laughs anytime someone says "You have talent". Because all he feels like all he did was sit down and practice,but they ( people that are amazed by his work)sit it has a God given talent. But he is probably thinking if I could do it so can you just don't give up.

  15. I think what he is trying to say is that he is showing his painting of new york because God gave him talent so that way he can show what he has created. Like they say you can't judge a book or art by it cover. You have the gift to create your own painting or drawing or writing a book.Let your heart decide what you want to paint.

  16. That's so true for now in days talents in our society, but to me honestly art is art no matter how you do it as long as it's straight from your heart.

  17. shore u have to practice at any thing but everybody has a natural affinity for something everyone thinks differently

  18. I don't like what he's saying because that's basically saying no one has talent and everyone has a talent.Some people's talents are more hidden and harder to find but they are always there.

  19. I believe anyone and everyone can do anything if they just put their mind to it. Talent can come naturally or come by hard work and dedication.

  20. I think homer means by this that talent can only come natural to those who apply them selves to a certain extent to were its done right every time.

  21. Thats a great saying to a artist. For people who like art and painting,everything about art is good for that saying. They just need to put effort into it.

  22. its a good quote. and i agree with antonieta that they do need to put effort to things or unless you were born with that talent.

  23. I didn't really know what to say about why we has to write about Talent? I thinking of we all have are own talent in are own ways like: lots of people can make music and others can sing and like me can draw but all i can say that we all have are talents.

  24. I agree and disagree with this quote. I think some people are born with talent, much like I was born with black hair. But just the same, someone can work at the skill they want until they are satisfied with their abilities.

  25. What homer means is that nobody is naturally talented everyone has to work at it & just practice

  26. "Talent! What they call talent is nothing but the capacity for doing continuous work in the right way." An interesting quote i don't know if i fully understand. I don't really know what talent is. Is the power of action , to create , and let out,? is it patience and commitment to put down on a paper? Is it being above a person in a difference? Maybe im just ranting, but i looked up some of Winslow Homers work , and i think its picture perfect. I loved it, most of the first images that came up, it seemed he painted alot of oceans,

  27. I don't think I fully understand this quote . . . "the capacity for doing continuous work in the right way."? What does that mean? I don't know what it means, and, because of that, I don't know what to say . . .

  28. This quote is okay. What i get from is that trying and trying until you feel you have reached what your best is over and over if it takes that.
