
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Invent a history with Childe Hassam

Happy Birthday, Childe Hassam! 
(October 17, 1859 – August 27, 1935)
 Look at the image below, then invent a history for it and type it as your comment.  Create a story of how you think the artist was feeling when it was painted, or write about the subject. 

Rainy Night, Childe Hassam, 1895


  1. I think maybe he was feeling a little gloomy or maybe it was a 'rainy night'& he thought it looked nice outside & decided to paint it

    1. This is not long enough. Please elaborate. Be more creative.

  2. Happy 153rd Birthday, Childe Hassam! It looks like he might have been feeling sad, or maybe even kinda depressed, when he painted it. He also could have been angry, or he could have just felt like painting that kind of scene. He could have been looking out a window and just painted what it looked like outside.

    1. Please elaborate. Tell me a story about the painting.

  3. I feel like he was depressed, and he was depressed because he was seeing the world as just another place with a bunch of strangers faces painted all over the Earths walls(medephor. I'm sure he was hoping for a beautiful face to catch his eye, and rescue him. Onlya he didnt know that yet.

  4. I like how much detail he put in it.Chide Hassam i think has a theme cause i looked at his other piece's and they all have the outdoor's in them.i think this painting is a very good interpretion of a rainy day.The way he painted it makes me feel like im standing right behind everyone.

  5. I think Childe Hassam's "Rainy Night" painting tells a story about how Childe's life at the outdoors is always raining, also how different blue colors represent of his feelings that he might be sad, or calm.

  6. i think that Chide Hassam was sad and started paining a rainy day where it is all down, or maybe jst drow what he saw, what was happening outside.

  7. I feel like he was sad or depressed. He used very dark color like his blues,black,grey and some green. Like he was feeling blue. Maybe it was a rainy night and when he thinks of a rainy day he see's people in town with there umbrella's at night. He may even like rainy night. It may be something that calms his and is relaxing. Maybe it was something he saw and wanted to paint it. It was very inspirational for a painting.

  8. That he was feeling sorrow and remores and was sad and it is a very dark and sorrow painting

    1. Audrey, make up a history for the painting and type it as your comment. Create a story of how you think the artist was feeling when it was painted, or write about the subject.

      4 or more sentences. Please re-do and submit.

    2. What do i think about this artist? By the way Happy birthday. I kinda like his art. This painting makes me sad and i really dislike being sad and i want to cry when i see it but i hold my tears back. Only if this painting has a little more color i would like it but this makes me sad so i don't really like this painting.

  9. Michael - invent a history for it and type it as your comment. Create a story of how you think the artist was feeling when it was painted, or write about the subject.

    four or more sentences. Please re-do and submit

  10. Happy Birthday Childe Hassam I think the painting takes place in the 1900's maybe the painting looks like a happy one but maybe there is a dark story behind it like not everything is what it seems

  11. He probly felt sad and depressed about something and he was probly walking into town on a rainy day and saw all those people and it started to get dark so he probly felt he should paint what he saw and how he felt at that moment.

  12. The painting describes something sad. As if had a hard day, and he was just walking around to get away from everything. And perhaps he saw a scenery that won't let him forget what happened. And this painting shows everyone wearing black, and it looks dark outside with bright lights everywhere. It's also raining so it makes the painting feel, gloomy.

  13. On the contrary, I find the artwork to be quite lively. This was a city back then and it showed the activity there was at night. Looking at this gives a refreshing feeling and it makes me feel calm and happy. It reminds me of all those times I would go downtown and it rained, sitting in the park, watching the horse carriages parade around and the murmurings of crowds. It would be deemed as sad if there was no one here because there wouldn't be anyone to appreciate the simplistic beauty of the rain on a city night.

    Imagining how this exact scenario would be, the sound of rain pattering on the stone and the horses clomping on puddles, it would this exactly.

  14. a stormy night with people people walking about after a night on the town, possibly lost in their own sense of what life is and how it is meant to be lived. dark and gloomy are the souls of the damned. and these people are surely the damned.

  15. i think its a cold dark rainy eventful night cause the streets are full of people with umbrellas and it dates back to the 1800 s

  16. Childe Hassam felt very lonely when he painted this. He looked wearily out of his carriage and saw the busy yet gloomy scene in front of him. He wanted to capture the bustling life in the portrait. He wanted to live vicariously through these people, through his art.

  17. Childe Hassam felt alone and abandoned, the people all turned away from the viewer and rain pouring down in a glittering cascade. I think he found the scene as a melancholy beauty. Both
    saddening and beautiful.

  18. James L. MacNeill was walking down vicar street when he was stopped by a ghost of the past. He turned around to see a willowy figure standing behind him under an umbrella. James froze for a moment. Everything they had done jumped back to the front of his mind. The mild spring picnics, the walks through the city in winter, the warm summer nights of their youth, everything hit him at once. “Excuse me sir, you probably don’t remember me, but my name is Elaine Harker.” She had a slightly abashed look dusted on her face like a gentle make-up. James’ dumbfoundedness was quickly replaced by tentative elation. “Quite the contrary miss Harker, I remember you fondly indeed. Would you care to join me on a tour of the city? I could use some company on a night as dreary as this!” “I think I should enjoy that very much, thank you sir MacNeill!” She closed her umbrella as she stepped under his, then tucked her arm into the crook of his elbow. The two of them walked along vicar street in the same way that they did all those years ago.

  19. it looks like he had a good night out, with his friends then once they were ready to leave it began to rain. standing in the rain, mr hassen received a beautiful image which inspired to make this world class painting.

  20. It looks like a gloomy rainy day. There is a carriage, so maybe they are going on date or a event. Or maybe its a sad day and the rain represents the tears that were shed and the darkness represents how they feel inside.

  21. the death of kevin butchem hit the town hard. the townspeople found him mutilated in his own basement, the rats knawing at his arms and legs. showing no respect for the dead. they buried him on october fourth 1879 and to this day the scene of his mourners still lives today on this piece of everlasting canvas. forever reminding us of the sorrow that the towns people once new. remembering butcher... the towns vampire..........

  22. In the the city of new york, a tragic death has, occerderd a well beloved man has been hit by a carriage ,gone haywire his funeral would be held on a rainy November morning and would reveal the meaning of how much he was loved.

  23. He has the same birthday as me :P. Other than that he seems interesting i just think its so tragic way of dying.
