
Friday, October 19, 2012

Quote of the Week:

"You should keep on painting no matter how difficult it is, because this is all part of experience, and the more experience you can have, the better it is - unless it kills you, and then you know you have gone too far."                   - Alice Neel, 1900-1984, American Painter 
                                             (click on the link above to find out more information on Alice Neel)


  1. This is very true. Well, except for the "unless it kills you" part . . . Why would I want to paint until it kills me!?!?!? XD

  2. I have to agree with the quote just not to sure about it killing me.

  3. I don't really understand but i think she is trying to say that when it gets so stressful it feels like it's killing you because you can't get it to look the way you want it to. The more you paint the better you get at it.

  4. In my opinion the quote's trying to say that a lot of work can make you be more experience. But being too experience, can make you feel like you're the best and you try to work harder on your art and will become bad art. So just because you're the best, doesn't mean you have too make your art be the best.

  5. I like this it is very true. I like to work very hard on things i do and most of the time i don't get it right so i have to try it ALL over agein and i get mad and stop what i am doing and start it another day when im not so annoyed.

  6. I think what Alice Neel was trying to say is when you do art you get used to it and it becomes better, but do not go overboard about it. I realise this because I remember not to over do my art.

  7. never give up on art because art will never give up on you, he was trying to say that no matter how frustrating art seems, you can always find inspiration no matter where you look.

  8. Painting will frustrate you but the more you paint the more experience you will get,so no matter how frustrating it gets calm down and go with it,this is my interpataion of this quote.

  9. i think he is saying to never give up no matter how challenging obstacles get in life cause when you finally get it you will have all the more experience and accomplishment knowing you didnt give up

  10. She might be trying to say that no matter how hard something might seem, never give up doing what you love.
    Keep going and gain as much experience as you can until you reach your limit.

  11. Not only this quote brilliant when applied to painting but also any art form. Life really. Experience is rich and you keep experiencing until you do die. I'm pretty sure the last part of the quote was a joke but I agree with it nevertheless. I wouldn't be where I'm at if I stopped trying before I began. I won't get anywhere if I stop where I am at.

  12. I like this quote a lot. It encourages people to keep trying and not give up. This really motives me to keep doing what i'm doing. I really enjoy sports and art and if i had gave up on any of this thing I wouldn't be good at it. If I would of gave up going to school after i had my baby I wouldn't be where i'm now in life.

  13. So, what happens when you mix this quote with the one from Van Gogh? You get a perfectionist! People have to be careful when they strive for greatness, or else they aim for perfection. NOTE: perfection is unobtainable!

  14. I think that this is saying that no matter how hard something is, you should keep trying. It is better to try and have failed, than never tried at all.

  15. i believe that it means to me buy, keep trying and embrace the chalenges kindly.

  16. i believe that this quote is wrong. it is simply untrue. if you put your life into your work, then the world would remember you. if you truly loved everything you ever made, then you have made IT. you eventually will die, but it would be better to die doing what you love most. only then will you have lived a full life. life is filled with trial and error. but in the end you would want to have had a great ride. you should run through out your life and by the time you die, you should be exhausted!

  17. I think he is talking about just more than painting. I would think he is talking about any goal or interest you have! then again if its sword fighting with a samurai and you die, you went too far!

  18. You should keep on painting no matter how difficult it is, because this is all part of experience, and the more experience you can have, the better it is - unless it kills you, and then you know you have gone too far." This means never give up no matter how hard it gets just keep going because in the end it will make you stronger

  19. This quote is true. It makes sense. Just don't give up on a painting keep going. I do the same like if it looks nothing like i was trying to paint that i use my imagination to make something else.

  20. its a really good quote because its true that you should keep on painting no matter what or its like they say you should keep trying no matter what because you would accomplish things that you didnt think you can do. and the ending of the quote is true and funny but dont try to hard were yuh end up hurting yourself or even killing yourself becuase you cant do it. yes somethings are hard but they are not immpossible.

  21. To nevr give doubt in yourself and to paint or draw or some creative art form express your journey of life threw your eyes, that's what I believe Alice Neel was trying to get across with us

  22. um that stuck me as ether extremely morbid or like the original stater of the quote new something we don't,and i'm terrified to think about what that may rely mean .
