
Friday, November 2, 2012

Quote of the Week:

What do you think Picasso was trying to say with the following quote? 

"There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot, but there are others who, thanks to their art and intelligence, transform a yellow spot into  the sun."

  - Pablo Picasso, 1881-1973, Spanish Cubist Painter
 (click on the link above to find out more information on Pablo Picasso)


  1. i don't really understand maybe he is saying that some people are talented to create something so very realistic and some people are not very into art so they don't try.

  2. I think it means that most people see the sun different but artist are creative enough to make it into something else. Because they are artistic. Yeah.

  3. Anyone can paint something such as the sun as a simple dot, but it takes true skill to turn something as simple as a dot into something big like the sun.

  4. I don't know what he's suppose to mean, but I think he means that if you see just just a regular size or shape it could be art. Just like what he said about the spot that it may look like a yellow spot, but turn into a sun. I think what I know from this is that if you see a object, or any other things then turn it a work of art.

  5. I think its kind of cool that you can change anything in to what you want it to be like a yellow spot you can make in to anything you want or a sun.

  6. I think he's trying to say is that you can do whatever u want with art with. The bigger imagination you have you can do anything even make a yellow spot the sun anything you just have to put your mind to the test.

  7. I think he was trying to say that no matter what your skills are, your art in your own, and you can do anything is you have the right mind set.

  8. i think that he was trying to say was that good paniters can can make big things into little things while great and amazing painters can make little things into something way better and have great detial to the drawing

  9. Many people don't do anything creative, but those who do, make that nothing into something.

  10. If anything you do is plain then their will be nothing. If your creative you'll make nothing into something.

  11. To me he sounds like hes saying so many people try to restrict their imagination to our mind instead of letting our soul run wild.

  12. "There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot, but there are others who, thanks to their art and intelligence, transform a yellow spot into the sun."
    this means there are some people that turn something that's already beautiful into something with no life and others who have an eye for art give something that didn't look like it would have life they bring it back to life

  13. I think he is saying that some people who just see the sun as a yellow ball of light only put on paper, but those who see orange, white, yellow and other bright colors in the sun actually make the sun on paper.

  14. What Picasso is saying is that some artists can take something mundane and make it droll. But some artists, the gifted or the hard-working, can take something mundane and make it extraordinary. And as artists, we should all strive to make that yellow spot a sun. No matter if we're gifted or not.

  15. I think he is trying to say that with enough practice, the simplest things you can make can be gorgeous pieces of art. You have to just believe in yourself and believe in the art, and you can accomplish anything. It is what you make of that yellow spot that makes it into what you want it to be which is anything.

  16. art is all about perspective, we create what we see, and how we see it, and that is very closely related to our emotions. how can someone create a "happy" picture if that is not how they perceive the world? what he was trying to say is that painting is not limited to just how we personally see the world.

  17. i had never reallly read much of picassos stuff.
    but i think it means a real artist can embrace something so simple?

  18. um i don,t agree the sun could be any color as far as i,m concerned it docent mater what you say real art makes people think

  19. It tells me that everyone have the own art to show.Everyones art is different in there own way on how they draw thr art.people see things different things.

  20. I think he means that anyone can look at something and recreate it on a canvas. However, truly special people can take their art and interpret it into something ordinary and recognizable.

  21. I think that he means that it takes a real artist to take something so small and simple and turn it into something truly beautiful.

  22. "There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot, but there are others who, thanks to their art and intelligence, transform a yellow spot into the sun."

    just the real difference between real art &art

  23. Anyone can take a little yellow dot and turn it into a sun but i think it takes true creative skills to take something so boring and make it into something wonderful.

  24. It means that alot of people can paint and draw and just do art but to some people art is more then a subject it's a way of life .
