
Monday, January 28, 2013

Welcome to 2nd Semester Art!

Blog Assignment # 1:

1. Write your Definition of what art is. 
       (do not give the dictionary definition!)

2. Based on your definition, decide whether the following items are "art":

    - a shell
    - a printed coffee mug
    - a photograph
   - a ragged pair of treasured jeans
   - a printed T-shirt
   - a film poster
   - a magazine advertisement
  State your reasons why or why not those items are considered "art."

*** Post your responses in the comment box below ***


  1. They are ALL art. Art is everything that you can make into something inspirational, something that is a part of someone's life and soul. The shell is nature's art. Something that took years to make and finally is brought to life, somewhere waiting to be picked up along the shore and to make someone's day. The coffee mug has a design that someone made and spent time on to give or maybe even keep for themselves. Same goes for the film poster, the magazine advertisement and the printed shirt. The photograph is a representation of a memory that wanted to be kept visually and the ragged pair of jeans has memories too. Ever seen traveling pants? Yeah. That's art, man.

  2. My definition of art is that it's everywhere art is something to show how you feel how you express your self and personality like if i'm mad i'll grab a paint brush and a paint and paper and just through paint on it and get crazy with it. A shell is art because you can see all all the different colors in it , a printed coffee mug is also art because a mug comes from different stages of art the first is it has to be made so its made from clay then painted after it's done, a photograph because the person who took the picture is expressing his or her feelings through it, a ragged pair of jeans and printed t-shirt is are because the jeans may have holes and stains that that person made to create memories even with the shirt they have like the print may say or show something that may say art to that person , and a film poster and magazine advertising is art to because the film poster is show what the movie is going to be so they make it into a collage of different parts that may be shown and also different colors and a ad in a magazine can also be in different colors to try to catch there audiences attention.

  3. Art is art or creativity or whatevr and a shell isnt art and jeans arnt art the other stuff is annnnd cuz its creative i guess

    1. Courtney you must give me your definition of art.
      Also, please tell me why each object should be considered art or why each object is not art.
      **Re-do for a grade**

  4. Art to me is my way to express emotions that I experience that I cannot always put into words. If I am singing, dancing, sketching, painting, cutting hair, applying make up, or a number of other things...all of these are my personal art and expression.

    A shell to me is God's art...shells are like people...all different shapes and sizes and can be found almost anywhere...even some times where there is not any water...

    A printed coffee mug is art to who ever made it...and to who ever owns it because it could be their favorite sports team or their kids name or is printed on the mug because it means something to them...and all art means something to some one...

    A photograph is art to me because when I take pictures it is always of someone or something that is "speaking" to me...even if I don't know exactly what it is saying at the time...I still "know" that I have to take that picture and it makes me happy...

    A ragged pair of treasured jeans are art to me because people made them with their personal touch of personality, imagination and idea of how they want to look when they wear them...

    A printed T shirt is art to me because of the same reasons as the jeans...

    A film poster is art to me because it attempts to show the meaning of the movie in one picture so that people will want to see the movie...

    A magazine advertisement is art to me because ads are created to entice us to buy what is being the people that made the ad use a lot of ideas and perspectives in order for more than one type of person to buy the same thing...

    Art can be found in anything we want when we look at them as an artist...

  5. In my opinion art is expressing what is in your mind, what you take of it.
    its when you don't have words to describe what your feeling so you grab a paint brush or two, a bowl of water and some watercolor and paint your feelings, however you want. it could be something simple as what you are looking at or something as dramatic as a memory.

    A shell can be art i feel, because from what i've seen in past paintings and pictures, theres a lot of shading and texture you could add to make it look a bit more realistic.

    A printed coffe mug is probably art to whoever owns it, or made it, and/or painted it. i know my grandmother has a mug i made for her when i was 5 at summer camp, and she has kept it ever since and every time i'm going through the cabinet to find a cup, i see it and i ask her "why do you still have this?" she always replies "it's truly a work of art from my first grandchild, why wouldn't i still have it?" so yes it is art in "some" cases.

    Yes! a photograph is art to me because my mom is a photographer and every picture she takes turns out more beautiful then the last, and even if its something from a camera phone, theres something about that object or thing that has some type of beauty aspect to it that made you wanna capture it. so yes a photograph is art to me.

    A ragged pair of treasured jeans can be art, depends on how you look at it, its probably art to whoever owns them and/or made them. i mean theres something about those "ragged jeans" that made you wanna keep them instead of throwing them out.

    a printed t-shirt is art because theres a reason why you've kept that shirt, and whoever thinks that certain print is art then it is.

    a film poster is art to me, because being in film myself takes a lot of work to make a simple thought to put on the board. and creating it takes a lot of hard work and dedication , and with all of the dedication film crews put in to it, it would be hard to not call it art in my opinion.

    a magazine advertisement is art because , basically the same as a film poster.

    art is anything we make it to be.

  6. Everything listed is art. Art is self expression, that can be expressed in anyway. Who knows what will trigger an emotional reaction? Paintings, shells, things in nature... All of these things are considered art. Just being able to put your heart and soul into something is enough. Art comes from the heart.

  7. Art is something that is anything that a person wants to create when you see something, or want to make something out of this world. It's the type of feeling that when you draw, paint, and make. Also in that list everything is art. When you see a type of shirt that has awesome print, or a photograph that has a good picture, and even clothes though basically everything is art. That's what I think.

  8. Art is everything that lives. Motion, distance, shape, taste, touch, smell, pain, passion, pleasure, struggle, strife, work, form, and humanity. Art transcends the barriers of language and culture. Art is the same art to someone in Equatorial Guinea as someone in Nigeria, Austria, Vietnam, Spain, Brazil, or America. Art is the representation of life through a medium that is lifeless. All the objects, the shell and such, could be considered art by the person that created them. That having been said, I don't think of the printed mug, t-shirt, and magazine ad as art because the style and "living spark" are lost in the mass printing process.

  9. My definition of art is something stunning and beautiful that sets itself apart from the rest of the world .None of the items listed above besides a movie poster and a printed t shirt can be considered art to me,they are too common and have no great significance or meaning.If art was everything then I could go say that my socks were art and be as known as many other famous artists for it witch would be rediculous and just not right.

  10. art is an explosion, it is the flash of colers ,vividly swirling around the words in your life before you die .flashes of rich blues and lush greens ,it is nature to its fullest and grown as the sun rises the sun sets to form life that is art .

  11. all of those items are art in ther own way as being part of life

  12. Art is when someone takes their passion or ideas and turns them into a tangible representation. All of the items are art because someone took the time to make them just the way they wanted, just how their ideas are reflected.

  13. Art is an expression of feelings with out having to write or talk. Art can be anything that make the viewer fell an emotion such as a painting, sculpture, poster, video, or magazines. Colors make the world a beautiful, the warmth or the sad feelings that the give of can make any one feel something. A shell, printed coffee mug, photograph, ragged pair of treasured jeans, printed T-shirt, film poster, and magazine advertisement, I consider all of them art. Every one of these items is to somebody a meaningful item that make them ether remember a something from their past or make them feel happy or sad and sometimes just because they look cool.

  14. Art is in the eyes of the beholder. Art is anything you want it to be. It is an expression of whatever it is you happen to be passionate about. You can be passionate about meatballs and make meatballs for a living and that's art. Art is creation. Art is beauty. Art is personal and spiritual. Art is everything.
    All of these things are Art because the spirit and beauty that was put into their creation as an object, be it mundane or divine.

  15. Art is a way for someone to express themself, whether it be in a picture, music, poem, jewelry or story. There's also natural art. This is art that isn’t created by man, but formed by nature itself. An example of natural art would be the grand canyon. A shell would be natural art because it is formed all by itself and looks beautiful. Also, people can take shells and use them to make many different things. A printed coffee mug would be considered art because of the picture or design on it. A photograph can be art because you can edit it in different ways to make it look artistic such as changing the color or lighting. I think a ragged pair of treasured jeans might be able to be considered art because you can put different things on them to make designs that express your personality. A printed T-shirt is art, again because of the picture on it. A film poster is like a photograph, but also is advertising a movie, and I believe a film poster is art. A magazine advertisement is basically the same as a film poster, but for something else, and could be art depending on what and how it’s advertising it.

  16. I define art as a special form of meditation and/or expression.
    A way to express any emotion by pouring it into canvas, a stencil sheet, a pile of clay, or simply just in a sheet of paper.
    It's basically just a temporary escape from the issues that creep after us on a daily basis.

    1. Great response Herminio, but you must also state whether the following objects are art: if yes explain, if no please explain.
      a shell
      a printed coffee mug
      a photograph
      a ragged pair of treasured jeans
      a t-shirt
      a movie poster
      a magazine advertisement

  17. They're is so man definitions of Art. To me art is being creative with anything that's close to you. You can find a stick on the floor and turn it into art. All of these items are art, its about being creative with everything and how it is made.

  18. Well in my opinion... Everything is art. Everything is beautiful and special in some way. A shell, well none of them are the same. They are all different. Different shapes and colors. A printed coffee mug is art because it's printed, right? Whatever is on it is made by somebody? So yeah. A photograph is beautiful. It's a memory, it's a moment that can be sharished forever. Old jeans? Well they were worn before, they can have patches or maybe even just have a spill of orange juice on it? It's still art in a way. A printed T-shirt was made by somebody. It's somebody's design. A film poster was made by someone , it's someone's art! A magazine advertisement is art , it's made by someone, it's art, for sure. Everything is art.

  19. Michael,
    Based on your definition, decide whether the following items are "art" and state your reason why they may be considered art or why the would not be considered art:

    - a shell
    - a printed coffee mug
    - a photograph
    - a ragged pair of treasured jeans
    - a printed T-shirt
    - a film poster
    - a magazine advertisement

  20. The definition of art to me is life. Life itself is art because everything you see, touch, smell, hear is some type of form of art that was rather man made or natural. Other than the fact I believe that anything & everything is art.

  21. I guess my definition of sweet would be anything really. Because with anything it can becone something if you put the time effort and creativity. You can get a picture and make a story out of art. Ast can be anything like I said. Everytime I see something I give out a background. Its probably just my imagination going would.

  22. Art is a medium that so called 'Humans' express their serotonin surges. Art is something that you would use to show feeling. Treasured jeans? do they make you feel happy? Do you feel something for a denim mass that you bought? I do not believe ads classify as art for they are not about feeling, but about profits. true art comes from the spot that you feel emotions in. Art is something to help ease the pain of my hollow ribcage. That's what art is...

  23. My definition of art is self expression, putting your own crazy ideas on any sort of canvas. And my own opinion I think all those options are "art" because they all show symbolism and some sort of self expression.

  24. My difinition of art is expression, or how someone gets their thoughts out. There are several different things that can be considered art. I think a shell is a type of natural art, or art that was not man made. A printed coffee mug, printed T-shirt, ragged pair of treasured jeans, photograph, film poster, and a magazine advertisement are all art that is hand made. They all may not seem like art, but they all have someone behind them expressing their thoughts onto the canvas, no matter what it is.

  25. My definition of art is being yourself and doing anything you can think of. If you can think about it you can do whatever you want as long as you put your mind to it. You can express yourself through art.

  26. What is art ?
    Art Is Your Own Expression The Way You Feel A Colorful Picture ,Wonderful Writing In Your Own Words.Art Is Just You The Way You Wanna Make It Be Your Self Cause Its More Beautiful If I Comes From You And The Way You Do It .Sometimes It Wont Be The Best But The Way You Made It , Its More Better Cause Its From You And Nothing Is Better Then Your Own Imagination.Art Its Something Wonderful Cause You Do So Much And Nobody Can Tell You If Its Right Or Its Wrong Or Its Nothing Cause You Know Its Right And It Is Something Cause You Made It To Become Something.

  27. art to me is the, heart and soul mashed to gather on a piece of art work.
