
Monday, February 4, 2013

Compare Two Photographs:

February 4, 2013

Point our similarities and differences within the two images below. Look at edges, value differences, use of space, subject, and mood.

Yousuf Karsh, Early Landscape, 1927

Ansel Adams, Oak Tree, Snow Storm, 1948


  1. the differences is the the enviorment with the paintings. one of them is the forst im guessing in the spring, then the other one is during a snow storm and kind of the icy type. the similarities is they look like an ink paintings. and they are both black and white and the texture of it looks pretty similar as well.

  2. The artwork on top is spectacular, it looks like it was taken during spring because the trees are full of leaves. Both of these photographs are beautiful, they're both in black in white and appears as though they were taken around the same part of the day. The one on the bottom is my favorite, there's snow everywhere and a reflection across the water. The quality of the picture is in better than the one on top, but both are gorgeous none the less.

  3. In the first picture it seems to be in a calm mood sitting by a little river or lake and the use of space looks like they use the whole paper to do the painting and the value is really nice to like how it gets from light to dark to give that effect to the trees and the lake. In the second picture it has a very peaceful mood feeling to it like you can just go and enjoy the view and the values in the picture is very nice like on the hill how its light and for the shadows it gets darker and darker and the second picture is my favorite one out of both of the pictures.

  4. The first photo has a more darker side to it. The water in the back makes it look like its a really big photo. the trees look like there falling or have arms. But in the middle there's a path. And also what is looks like there's a women and man sitting on leaves in the middle of the path.
    The other photo looks so beautiful the way the water makes a mirror of the ice cold mountains. it looks more in the woods and very cold. Both of the pictures are the same but different. there both in the woods and have a river running through the middle or the side of the photo. But both are really good photos.

  5. the first piece has a dark feel to it it is much different and looks murky the second is much more clear an has an epic feel to it, like ...................................... boom

  6. The piece on top and bottom both are landscape shots that are in black and white. They both depict some sort of forest area. However the one on top is more of a close up shot. It only depicts part of a big picture. The one on bottom shows the entire big picture. Although they are completely different, the top looks like it could be part of the bottom. The bottom depicts things besides just trees and earth, it shows a lake and mountains, among other things.

  7. Wow these pieces are very nice, they are super detailed. They are similier in a way. They are both black and white paintings. They both look like they are ink paintings?! They are both very lovely. But they also have there differences, for example. The "Yousuf Karsh, early landscape 1927" one has more of a spring forest look. The other one "Ansel Adams, oak tree, snow storm, 1948" one is more of a winter look, it's looks really cold like a snow storm. They re both equally nice though.

  8. The first one is more rough and not as clean and edited as the second one ,it looks more dark and gloomy.there is not as much textures and detailed little things as in the second ,almost like it's only a sketch that needs work here and there.
    The second looks cleaned up and very clean edges on the mountain and the branches on the trees.Its definitely a finished product compared to the first one ,though I think it's more finished than the first one I still like the first one ALOT better.It has a better feel to it.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. One major difference is the environments that they're set in. The top image has a dark, ominous, and closed atmosphere. While the bottom one has a much lighter atmosphere and carries a sense of endlessness, beauty, and freedom.

  11. There mood is very different even if both are black and white. The first one seems very dark, and creepy. It's hard to see details in the picture because it's some what blurry. Maybe one of the reasons for that is because the picture was taken in 1927 and the other was taken in 1948. The second picture is very bright and breathe taking. The sun makes it feel brighter then the first, how it's dark and not very bright. Also the weather; the first one seems like it's hot or warm, the second one is very cold. the first one looks more enclosed and the second one looks very open.

  12. The first picture by Yousuf Karsh looked like it was sketched, because it does not have a digital image like the second painting by Ansel Adams. The second picture looked like he took a picture this way you can see it better. The first picture has two people sitting down on a big branch, while the other does not though they are the same landscape, because the first picture has a mountain in the background that looks like the one from the second picture. Yousuf Karsh picture has like grey, and black colors that have a shade look to it, while Ansel Adams's picture have a white, grey, and black that can make it look like it was at the day time, but they are the same landscape just at different location in the area.

  13. The main difference is mood. The top picture seems kind of dark and dreary, while the bottom picture looks happy, carefree, beautiful, and maybe even a little romantic. They're both obviously black and white. Also, they're both nature photos. Another difference would be location. The first one looks to be just outside of a forest, and the second one looks like it's during winter by a lake or river. It's next to some mountains and looks to be surrounded by a thin line of oak trees.

  14. These both look alike. I guess just because of the attitude it gives off. It sewms as a depressing environment. The only thing is that one is a snowy environment. The leather picture is a warm dangerous environment. They are both mellow.

  15. one has a mountain! one is mostly darkness and the other is mostly bright.

  16. They both are black and white and have a dark feeling to them. The first picture has two people in it, so it seems as if they are hanging out in the forest. The second one has no one in it and looks like the area is abandoned, from what you see. This makes me think that the second one is focus only on the land, while the other one is focused on the two people and the land around them.

  17. well the differences i can see in the pictures is that the first one is more burly and you have to look at it more to tell whats their but you can get the idea of what it is.
    In the second picture it is very detailed so many things to look at so clear its like looking into a widow only black white and grey.

  18. they both are in black and white. Its very beautiful, detailed forest. Theres tree's lakes and river. They both have water in there photo. One of them have to children sitting talking. While the other is a plan forest. One is in the late winter shows a little of snow. But,both are very good paintings of a forest.

  19. well i can see that both photos are in a black and white scale. also both show an image of nature. but one photo shows a seen of a forest like atmosphere, while the other one shows a mountainous reagon.
