
Friday, October 12, 2012

Quote of the Week:

"I am always doing what I cannot do yet, in order to learn how to do it." 
(click on the link above to find out more about Vincent Van Gogh)


  1. I like this quote because if you do something that you cant do yet you will be able to do anything you desire like me i couldn't play guitar to save my life but now i can i play i may not sound like a pro but i learned something i couldn't do

  2. I have always admire the work and mind of Van Gogh so before reading this quote I knew I would relate to it immensely. This is the usual style of how people learn besides being taught it by others who know of the subject more. I learn this way a lot of the time being an only child.

  3. I honestly had no clue that he actually did cut off his own ear, and was mentally unstable this is crazy shocking to me because he is a very great artist.

    1. Nice. But what does the following quote mean to you?
      "I am always doing what I cannot do yet, in order to learn how to do it."

      Please think about it. What does it mean? In your own words.
      Leave a comment for a grade.

  4. This is very true. The only way to ever learn something new is to just do it. Ms. Martinez is always telling me this in class and, as much as I hate to admit it, it's the only way I ever learn how to do anything.

  5. I think what Vincent Van Gogh is trying to say is that if you don't get what you're doing then learn how to do it, and keep on trying, never give up. No matter what it is. That's what I think he was trying to say.

  6. Van Gogh story was very dramatic. Reading about his life makes me feel so sympathetic. He didn't know how unique he was. This quote in my opinion explains that, he just does what he can do with out learning, and just use his mind. And if it does not come out the way it was suppose too, then that's when he needs to learn how to do it.

  7. Van Gogh was an inspiring character, himself continues to inspire people all around the years after his death. even after he lost it he still continued to make wonderful art.

  8. I really like this quote. I can relate to it a lot. In art I want to try all different kinds of media and try new things. I admire art work and when it's something i never really tried doing I try and do it. I want to do something I practice at it so I can be as good as the artist that I admire. I really love watercolor but I don't really paint in watercolor. I am now trying to learn how to make a detailed watercolor painting. I really like his painting starry night. I also really like his style of art work.

  9. this quote is not only true, but it is also a philosophical. this quote pertains not just to art, but life itself. if you do not try and fail... then how can we learn from our mistakes? the very paraphernalia of this quote is relate able to all people.

  10. I really like this quote. It's ver true. The best way to learn something is to practice doing it. I have always had a fascination with the human body but I never took the time to actually draw this out. I started out by drawing what I saw, without any guidelines. The proportions were awful but as I was formally taught my art got better. I now devote hours to sketching the human body in various poses and states of dress.

  11. i get what he means i just don't think it makes any sense

    1. try and explain it in your own words.

      Please comment for a grade.

  12. I think this quote is brilliant. In order to achieve something you have to do it over and over again. "Practice makes perfect!"

  13. I think that when Vincent Van Gogh says,"I am always doing what I cannot do yet, in order to learn how to do it." he means he does the hard thing that he can't do first so he can learn it and it wont be hard after he does it. He will be used to it when he does it again.

  14. Ha! So who is right, Van Gogh or Mr. Constable? Who would be the better teacher, someone with experience or your trials and errors? Are YOU the best person to teach YOU? Even so, if trial and error is your method of learning, are you self taught? Or are you learning from experience that is already placed in your mind?

  15. i like vangose saying a lot it agrees with my personal beliefs in art alot he had only the will to do art not even the will to live could surpass it he was allwase doing what he could not do and he succeeded amazingly hes my hero

  16. this quote is true people always do things they cant do to learn from it. like the mistakes you do you learn from them so you dont do it again.

  17. I like how even though he has been dead for a while his art still lives on.The is so inspiring.Even though he was out of it for a while he interpreted his craziness though is art.

    1. Think about the following quote:
      "I am always doing what I cannot do yet, in order to learn how to do it."

      What does it mean to you?
      Please comment for a grade.

  18. I and going to go with Michael Garcia it dusnt makes sinse to me and i kinda understand but not really.

    1. Audrey you must come up with your own interpretation of this quote. Please re-do and submit. Thanks

  19. "I am always doing what I cannot do yet, in order to learn how to do it." I understand it in order to learn you must practice what you dont know how to do in order to learn new things and to see if your good at it

  20. All this quote is telling me is that you practice what you don't know how to do and discover new ways to do that one thing you started out not knowing how to do ,if you understand what I mean

  21. i believe what he means is"he is trying to do thing that he dose not already know.

  22. I think it saying that like in order to do what you don't know how to do you have to practice and try new ways of learning different ways & figure out if your good it it or not

  23. I think this quote means when you get knocked down you have to get right up. Or just keep trying until you succeed. Great quote!

  24. Van Gogh was an inspirational tragedy .
    his work was beauty , &misfortune
    the quote is the classical stubborn over achiever
    "the kid always triying to run although only capable
    of crawling , he falls and scrapes his knee "

  25. You must comment on what the quote means to you.
    Think about it.
    "I am always doing what I cannot do yet, in order to learn how to do it."

    Please comment for a grade.

  26. i think he is saying he likes to try new ideas to explore his mind and learn somthing new that hes never done so he can master it and have that experience
